Descendants of Aarjen Maijertsz DEKKER & Trijntje JONKER
This Descendant Journal contains all the descendants of
Aarjen Maijertsz DEKKER (1730-abt1759) and Trijntje JONKER (abt1730-???) that I have been able to identify to-date. Aarjen and Trijntje lived in Broek op Langedijk and had atleast three children that I am aware of.
Their great great grandson Jan "Opa" DEKKER is the subject
of the Pedigree Chart below.
To read this Descendant Journal go directly to the Table of Contents near the bottom of the page. |

Bringing the kool (cabbage) to arket in Broek op Langedijk

This Pedigree Chart is a portion of a larger chart
encompassing all the known Ancestors of Cornelis Jan 'Case' VANDERPLAS, son of Jan Cornelis 'John' van der PLAS and Christina 'Stien' GUTTER.
was born in Schoorl. NH, and emigrated to Canada in 1949. Case maried
Katherine WATSON and they
live in Oakville, Ontario. .
This branch is on Case's paternal side and represents the DEKKER
Ancestors. Opa DEKKER, the
subjrct of the Pedigree Chart below, was Case's great grandfather. To access
Descendant Jourals of his ancestors, click on the forwrd arrows below.

DNA Matches to Case VANDERPLAS
on Ancestry or MyHertitage* in this Family Journal; .Click on underlined
to see Relationship Chart
For pictures of the van der PLAS Family go to Jansje's Album, also Jan & Stien's Wedding.
Table of Contents
Descendants of Aarjen Maijertsz DEKKER
Surname List
Index of Names
Sources (Bibliography)
Contact Information
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Please note:
The majority of the data has been compiled from many different sources on the internet and the information is only as good as what has been input. Information is corroborated where possible.
Latest Revision April 07, 2022